• Ni Made Faradyah Swandewi Universitas Triatma Mulya
  • A.A Ketut Sriasih
Keywords: emotional intelligence, work environment, performance


In general, health workers play a very important role in meeting people's expectations, especially those related to health problems which are often difficult to overcome. In the current era, there is a great need for skilled and qualified health workers. So that existing problems can be resolved properly. However, currently there are still many health workers whose performance in providing services to patients is not good, giving rise to negative public perceptions of health workers and related health facilities. This phenomenon occurs due to a lack of sense of responsibility, sincerity, sincerity, self-awareness, and professionalism of health workers in serving the community. This research aims to: 1. determine the effect of emotional intelligence on the performance of health workers. 2.To determine the influence of the work environment on performance. 3. To determine the magnitude of the influence of emotional intelligence and the work environment on the performance of health workers. The population of this study was all civil servant health workers at the Karangasem I Community Health Center, totaling 45 people. The sample taken is all members of the population so it is a census research. The tool used is multiple linear regression analysis. The hypothesis test used is the t- test to test the partial influence of emotional intelligence and work environment on the performance of health workers, as well as determination analysis to analyze the magnitude of the influence of the independent variable on the dependent variable. The regression equation obtained is: Y = 8.133 + 0.534 X1 + 0.310 X2. This model shows that: 1) There is a positive and significant influence of emotional intelligence on the performance of health workers. 2) There is a positive and significant influence of the work environment on the performance of health workers. 3) The magnitude of the influence contributed by emotional intelligence and the work environment on the performance of health workers is 49.1%.
